
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Dragon Quest XI, Yakuza Kiwami 2, and listener questions! - RFG Ep. 15
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Masa, Arnaldo, and Paul are joined by Australian gaming guru Luke, aka @lukelikesgames on Instagram, to talk about all the games they've been playing lately, including Mega Man 11 and Dragon Quest XI. The guys also discuss Dead Cells, Yakuza Kiwami 2, Aliens: Infestation and talk way too long about Mah Jongg (28:30) before answering some listener questions including what the guys think is the best RPG ever (1:06:40).
Talk to us on Instagram! @regionfreegamers

Thursday Sep 13, 2018
How Nintendo Overcame the Wii-U Stink - RFG Ep. 14
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
Thursday Sep 13, 2018
It's all about the Nintendo Switch today as Masa, Arnie, Ozzy and Paul start off the first of a two part Switchstravaganza by first talking about the many ways the Wii-U failed (02:00), before discussing the similarities between Nintendo and child actors (19:00). The guys speculate on how Nintendo embracing the hipster helped their dominance of the handheld video game market (41:30), and finish up by answering the question: would the Switch have succeeded if not for one of the all-time greatest video games - Zelda: Breath Of The Wild (1:08:30).
Bonus drinking game: take a sip every time Ozzy mentions his disgust with the Wii-U!
Talk to us on Instagram! @regionfreegamers

Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Mega Man: The NES Video Game Series - RFG Ep. 13
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Paul, Arnie and Ozzy are joined by Brandon, otherwise known as @supersparkster, to discuss the original Mega Man videogame series on the Nintendo Entertainment System. The crew discusses the series at large (42:04), dives into the origins of the first Mega Man (1:08:53), debate whether Mega Man 2 and 3 is the better videogame (1:40:30), and round out the episode with a discussion of less beloved Mega Man 4, 5 and 6 entries. So make sure you have your E-Tanks filled up and strap yourself in for a thrilling episode.

Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Contra - RFG Ep. 12
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
The Region Free Gamers go full hardcore gamer, as they dive into the history of the Contra series. The crew starts off with a recap of the Week of Controllers, then explore the beginnings of Contra and the NES game including reminiscing about cakes, guns and first love (21:03), explore why Paul never played Super C and vehemently disagree about the top down levels in Contra 3 (53:23), dig into the multiple universes of Contra Hard Corps and trudge through the PS1 years (1:18:11), and then round out the discussion with the latter day Contras (1:48:16). So punch in the Konami code and gather your spread guns for another action packed episode.

Monday Jul 30, 2018
Best And Worst Video Game Controllers: Part 2 - RFG Ep. 11
Monday Jul 30, 2018
Monday Jul 30, 2018
Arnaldo, Masa, Ozzy, and Paul start the show with the video games they've been playing lately, including Octopath Traveler, Danganronpa, and some playtesting of Fist of the North Star by Masa before he realized.. he was already dead. The guys resume the videogame controller discussion (1:00:30) starting with the Phillips CDi and our preferred method of playing Wand of Gamelon, the CDi spoon controller. The guys then poop on the Jaguar controller (1:05:00) before moving on to the 32 and 64-bit controllers. Seaman hits on our wives after the Dreamcast discussion (1:24:40) and after talking about the modern controllers the guys make their picks for best and worst (1:48:00).
Talk to us on Instagram! @regionfreegamers

Friday Jul 20, 2018
Best And Worst Video Game Controllers: Part 1 - RFG Ep. 10
Friday Jul 20, 2018
Friday Jul 20, 2018
Arnaldo, Masa, and Paul get the ball rolling with the video games they've been playing lately, including Owlboy, Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright and Metal Gear Solid 2, the best game Paul has fallen asleep during. Then Arnie lays the ground rules for the videogame controller discussion (41:00) and immediately gets off topic (43:30) with drunken DK Bongos and Dark Souls with the Guitar Hero controller. The guys finish up with the Atari generation of controllers (54:30) and the 8-bit to 16-bit era controllers (1:17:30).

Friday Jul 06, 2018
Squaresoft's Golden Age - RFG Ep. 9
Friday Jul 06, 2018
Friday Jul 06, 2018
Ozzy, Arnaldo, and Paul start off the show talking about what video games they've been playing lately, including Parasite Eve, Metal Gear Solid 2 and Need For Speed. Then they move on to the king of third party videogame developers, Squaresoft, and their rise through the 16-bit era, followed by a shocking and baffling defence of Tommy Tallarico by Arnaldo (44:00) The guys then talk about Final Fantasy VII (59:30), Tobal and Xenogears (1:06:00), Final Fantasy Tactics and Einhander (1:33:30) and Squaresoft's remaining 32-bit video game offerings including the remaining Final Fantasy games and Vagrant Story, among others (1:50:00).

Thursday Jun 21, 2018
E3: Video Game Nirvana - RFG Ep. 8
Thursday Jun 21, 2018
Thursday Jun 21, 2018
Masa, Arnaldo, Paul, and newcomer and British sensation, Geoff, discuss all the video games at E3 they loved, and some of the video games they didn't, starting with Nintendo's E3 offerings, followed by Sony (55:00). The discussion is rounded up with Microsoft's E3 (1:25:00) and everything else (1:47:00).
Talk to us on Instagram! @regionfreegamers

Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
RFG Ep. 7 - Donkey Kong Country
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
The Region Free Gamers take on the Donkey Kong Country series. Join them as Masa supernaturally restrains himself from talking about Yakuza for longer than 10 minutes, the crew talks about the circumstances that gave rise to Nintendo entrusting Shigeru Miyamoto's first baby to a British studio (36:41), rail against the blatantly wrong opinion that Donkey Kong Country is a mediocre game (55:46), gushes about Dixie Kong and the music of Donkey Kong Country 2 (1:24:40), and wonder whether Donkey Kong Country 3 deserves its status as the worst game in the trilogy (1:41:25). So make sure to guard your banana hoard while you hear the crew talk about their favorite simians.

Wednesday May 23, 2018
The Best RPGs You've Never Heard Of - Nihon Falcom - RFG Ep. 6
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Masa, Arnaldo, and Paul start off the show discussing what video games they've been playing lately, including fetch quest juggernaut Ni No Kuni 2, Yakuza Kiwami, and Masa finally finishing Yakuza 6 after 1000 hours. The guys then discuss the humble origins and design philosphy of fabled JRPG developer Nihon Falcom (38:00). The video games themselves come next with the Ys series (1:07:00) followed by The Legend of Heroes featuring Trails of Cold Steel (1:36:30).
Talk to us on Instagram! @regionfreegamers